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The Danu Fae Series

I am actively seeking literary representation for my young adult book series. 

(Young Adult Fantasy, Adventure, Magical Realism, Romance).


The Danu Fae Series is an adventure filled with diverse storylines. Dive into a fantastical realm that mirrors our own, where magic intertwines with reality (and science). Uncover deep routed family secrets, follow a tale of sisterhood formed amidst trials and triumphs, and watch a love triangle unfold. Regardless of your preferences, theres something within these pages to captivate every reader. 


This enchanting journey unfolds across four books: The HeirThe CatalystThe Voidian, and The Sovereign. Throughout the series, themes of love, power, betrayal, and self-discovery interweave with magical elements, political intrigues, and the characters' personal struggles. The captivating coming-of-age narrative takes readers on a mesmerizing journey through the enchanting world of the Danu Fae.


The Heir
Book 1

The Catalyst
Book 2


The Voidian
Book 3

The Sovereign
Book 4

The Danu Fae Series,

     The Danu Fae are an ancient race of faeries that exist on the planet Danu. Dagda was the original king of all the fae. He had five children from his wife and one illegitimate child, though all were greedy for his power. However, when Dagda wanted to pass on his reign, he couldn’t decide which of his children should receive his full power. His indecision resulted in his impatient children scheming for favor among the entire faery population. They abused their magical talents and started wars to gain control over Danu. As a solution, Dagda gave none of his children ultimate power. Instead, each received a fraction of his magic, along with an ancient relic to wield it. Brigid received Dagda’s Harp, Dobd Berg received the Sword of Nuadu, Midir received the Dagda’s Cauldron, Cermait received the Spear of Lug, Ogmios received the Dagda’s Club and Aengus received the Infinity Sword.


    However, on the day Dagda divided his power, his illegitimate son, Aengus, claimed that his gifted sword had been stolen. Angry at his son’s failure to protect a sacred relic, Dagda left him out when he divided Danu. On that day, the faery world was separated into five kingdoms, one for each of the magical elements, to be ruled by each of his legitimate children. Aengus and his followers were banished to a desolate place, called The Void, outside of Danu’s magical boundary.

    In Dagda’s last act, he attempted to create a way to unite his rivalrous children. He used all of his remaining power to send an enormous ball of matter and energy through space. It accumulated as it crossed the universe, solidifying into an enormous asteroid that collided with another barely-formed planet, Earth. In that collision, so much magical energy was released that it forged a wormhole connection between the two planets. Danu and Earth became permanently connected through magic. In order for Danu to survive, the fae must maintain a healthy balance of life on planet Earth. Such a complicated task would require the faery clans to work together, a weakness they must overcome.

    The survival of the Danu Fae has hinged on Earth’s well-being for ages, with their magic fluctuating alongside the Earth’s evolving life. Unfortunately, human-induced climate change has led to a gradual decline in faery magic. The survival of the Danu Fae, and their magic, depends on an elite group of faeries, known as Catalysts, who regularly travel to Earth through sacred portals, aiming to influence human activity and prevent further damage to the planet.

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