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The Voidian (book 3), by Kat Laxton

The Voidian weaves together romance, political intrigue, and magical conflicts, painting a vivid tapestry of characters navigating a fantastical world fraught with challenges and uncertainties. The intricate relationships and evolving character dynamics propel the narrative forward, keeping readers engaged in the unfolding saga of the Danu Fae.

Full Synopsis


    (Backstory) When Dagda, King of the Danu Faeries, divided his power among his children, he gifted them special relics. Brigid, the only daughter, received his harp for the Earth Faery Kingdom. Dodb Berg obtained the Sword of Nadu for the Air Faery Kingdom, while Midir was bestowed with the cauldron representing the Water Faery Kingdom. Cermait received the Spear of Lug for the Fire Faery Kingdom, and Ogmios was granted the club symbolizing the Spirit Faery Kingdom. Aengus, Dagda’s son from a love affair, was given a silver Infinity Sword. However, on the day Dagda called his children to bestow upon them his magical power, Aengus seemingly lost his sword. Enraged at his illegitimate son’s carelessness, Dagda excluded Aengus, resulting in the creation of The Void.


    The Voidian, the third book in The Danu Fae Series, unravels through the perspectives of four central characters: Penny, Eli, Faith, and the Voidian Prince. Right from the start, Penny wrestles with a guilty conscience, firmly believing that she is responsible for afflicting Tera, the Earth Faery Catalyst Leader, with silver dust—a perilous poison affecting a faery's mind and magic. Desiring solace without authorization, Penny flees to the one place she believes provides comfort: home.    

    On her way to her aunt's house, a trail of wisps leads Penny back to the mysterious elm tree portal. Before embarking on the unknown journey alone, Faith joins her. Upon passing through the elm tree together, the princesses discover themselves in desolate lands, unmistakably realizing that they have entered The Void.


   Penny and Faith swiftly stumble upon Beau, the Earth Faery Queen’s missing unicorn, guarded by a Voidian named Gillie who has been anticipating their arrival. Gillie guides the girls to a secret seaside Voidian village where they come face to face with Lady Naima and The Voidian Prince. Revealing herself as Penny’s other grandmother, Lady Naima imparts ancient memories to the girls, recounting dreadful events from the past. She shares an alternate version of history, suggesting that Dagda's wife and his only daughter, Brigid, were involved in the theft of the sword. According to Lady Naima's recollection, Aengus did not lose his relic carelessly.


    The Voidian Prince clarifies their intention to use Penny's magic to undo Dagda's Curse. They believe that by disconnecting the portal between the two planets, the magical border dividing the Danu Fae Kingdoms from The Void will vanish, offering the Voidians an equal chance at survival on their own planet. However, Penny swiftly grasps that disconnecting the portal system between Earth and Danu would imply that she could never return home. Such a decision would result in her permanent separation from her family, a prospect she cannot fathom.


   To their unexpected surprise, Faith and Penny are allowed to leave the Void without consequence, taking the unicorn with them. They devise a creative strategy to get the unicorn to Penny’s aunt’s house, planning to return for it once they find a better way to conceal it. Upon reaching Penny’s aunt’s house, they find Eli and Aunt Flora worried about their whereabouts. Learning that Penny ventured into The Void, Eli becomes incredulous at her apparent recklessness. Despite sharing all they learned from Lady Naima and the Voidian Prince and returning unscathed, skepticism about the Voidian’s intentions lingers, especially from Eli.


    Upon their return to Uiré, Eli and Penny are summoned to the Earth Faery Queen’s office. With Tera no longer able to lead them, the queen instructs Eli and Penny to prepare the rest of the Catalysts for a sparring match to determine the next strongest faery who will lead the Earth Faery Catalyst. In a private conversation, the queen also instructs Penny to ensure her victory in the competition. As it sounds more like a threat than a request, Penny begins to question her grandmother’s motives.


    That night, Penny plans to meet Eli in the garden to discuss various topics, including the details of her trip to The Void and the private conversation with her grandmother. Upon her arrival, Eli takes charge of the conversation, pouring out his feelings to Penny and apologizing for kissing her without permission the evening before. His argument somewhat transforms into a lecture on Penny’s perceived irresponsibility, which frustrates Penny. She's disappointed by how controlling Eli sounds, treating her as if she's incapable of making her own decisions. However, their conversation is interrupted when the Voidian Prince emerges from the shadows.


    Eli becomes enraged at the sight of the Voidian Prince, protectively positioning himself between the prince and Penny. Penny is angered by Eli's overprotectiveness and wishes he would stop confronting the prince long enough for him to speak. Recognizing that he chose an inopportune moment to visit Penny, the Voidian Prince starts to leave. However, with a curious gleam in his eye, he extends his hand to Penny, suggesting they go somewhere else to talk. Intrigued by the prince’s intentions and also wanting to prove a point to Eli, Penny takes the prince’s hand and flies off into the night.


    In their brief conversation, he explains to Penny that while he acknowledges her power as crucial to undoing Dagda’s Curse, he is equally concerned about her character. He expresses worry that if she becomes a power-hungry ruler like the other monarchs in Danu, they might not want her help at all. Penny and the prince spend hours in casual conversation that evening. As the prince delves deeper into Penny’s nature, she, in turn, begins to question the villainous outlaw reputation of the Voidians. The prince, when not in the presence of others, is not the arrogant individual he seemed during their first meeting. When Penny returns to her dorm in Uiré, she finds an angry message from Eli on her door.


    The next day, there's hardly any time for Penny to confront Eli, as they need to prepare for the Catalyst sparing match to determine a new leader. All Catalyst Leaders from other kingdoms, including Faith, are invited to attend. Faith, driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, dedicates most of her time to research in the libraries, seeking answers about Dagda's Heir. While her initial intention is to assist her friend, Faith becomes increasingly apprehensive about the potential magnitude of Penny's power once mastered. However, her concerns take a different turn when she witnesses Penny engage in a sparring match against Eli for the Catalyst Leader position. Faith acknowledges that Penny possesses enough magical power to permanently alter Danu, yet she harbors uncertainty about the ultimate consequences, especially for herself.


    In a deliberate move, Penny uses her magic against herself in the sparing match, ensuring that Eli wins the position. Penny doesn't want to be the Catalyst Leader. Given her newness to the world of the Danu Fae, she doesn't believe she's the best person for the job, even with her immense magical power.


    After Eli wins and the queen throws a celebration in his honor, Penny tries to avoid him at the party, aware that he knows she threw the competition and doesn't want to hear his scolding. Unfortunately, he manages to catch her on the dance floor. In an attempt to escape further ridicule, Penny decides to leave the party. On her way out, with Faith following closely, she runs into the Voidian Prince. Surprising Penny, the prince presents her with a greywash cloak, large enough to conceal the unicorn still in her aunt’s garage. Just as he offers his help, Eli storms out of the door in search of Penny. He is furious when he finds her standing with the Voidian Prince. Penny, however, wastes no time and flies off with the prince, leaving a livid Eli and a shocked Faith in the garden.


    The Voidian Prince brings Penny to her aunt’s house, where he shows her how to manipulate the magic of the greywash cloak to conceal the unicorn. Aunt Flora is extremely skeptical of the prince’s intentions and doesn't believe what he says is possible until Penny actually makes it happen. Penny accomplishes the magical feat, something that has never been done before.


    On the way back to Uiré, Penny and the Voidian Prince take their time, talking and laughing along the way. When Penny nearly falls off the unicorn and is caught by the prince, they share a breath-halting moment, caught in each other’s intense stares. Both can't shake the feeling that something is growing between them. By the time they return to Penny’s dorm in the arena, they find Eli angrily waiting for Penny’s return.

    Being a mixed-blooded faery noble like Penny, Eli has become enamored with the idea that they are the perfect match. His infatuation turns into overbearing jealousy after Penny is whisked away by the Voidian Prince. Eli grows furious, seeing through the Voidian Prince's scheming ploy to entice Penny and control her magic. Unfortunately, Eli acknowledges the limitations of his weak magic in protecting Penny from the Voidians. Driven by jealous rage, Eli contemplates revealing the truth to the queen, hoping that the Queen's Guard can provide adequate protection for Penny.


    For the next few weeks, Eli and Penny ignore each other. Eli is angry with Penny for her reckless choices, while Penny is frustrated with Eli for his bigoted, overprotective responses. Neither attempts to reconcile their grievances until they journey to Tiene, the City of the Fire Faeries, for the Solstice Spar, a celebration of light.


    The Solstice Spar unfolds as a beautiful, choreographed spectacle where fire faeries showcase their fire magic abilities in the sky, airborne on fire-breathing dragons. Following this breathtaking display is the most lavish ball of the year. While Faith shares her learnings with Penny and Eli attempts to make amends, Penny is most surprised when she unexpectedly meets the quietly invited guest, the Voidian Prince. Even though Faith and Fintain attempted to invite him to their affair, which he declined, the Voidian Prince secretly showed up anyway, remaining hidden in the shadows. The only reason he was there was out of concern for Penny. The prince was surprised to learn that Tera, the Earth Faery Catalyst Leader had been dusted during their attack. After asking everyone on his team, he confirmed that none of them threw silver dust, meaning that only one of the other Catalyst Leaders must have thrown it. The prince, concerned that the silver dust might have been meant for Penny, came to warn her.


   Their conversation is interrupted when Faith catches Penny and the Voidian Prince together on a vacant balcony. Meanwhile, Eli, searching for Penny, hides in the curtains to eavesdrop on the conversation. Eli is livid that the Voidian Prince was there, but even more upset when he sees Penny and Faith with him. The most shocking thing for him to realize is that the fire faeries had invited the prince to the Solstice Spar in the first place, and he suspects the fire faeries might be working with the Voidians to influence Penny. Eli becomes even more concerned for Penny. Not only does he think she’s carelessly trusting the wrong faeries, but he also suspects that they are up to no good. However, when Faith learns that the Voidians did not throw the silver dust at Tera, she quickly concludes that it must have been Hydra, the Water Faery Catalyst Leader. In an angry rage, she confronts Hydra at the ball, bringing the party to a screeching halt. When Queen Merilla of the Water Faeries intervenes, the Fire King (Faith’s grandfather) asks them to leave the ball. Even though they do, Hydra makes sure to get in the last word when she violently sends ice spears at Faith’s head. Penny reacts and melts the spears mid-air before they hit Faith. However, in doing so, she exposes her fire faery magic that she has kept secret from everyone except Eli and Faith.


    After the Fire King brings Penny and Faith to his private office, he demands an explanation from the girls. Sensing that she can somehow trust the king, Penny shows him her amulet. For the first time, she reveals her secrets to another faery. The king's reaction surprises her. He agrees to keep her secret but cautions her to be wary of how to proceed with her power.


     Promptly after their private conversation, Penny is caught completely off guard when her grandmother demands that Penny and Eli leave the Solstice Spar Ball immediately and travel to Doour, in the Kingdom of the Water Faeries. Queen Merilla is her cousin, and the Earth Faery Queen wants to ensure there is no ill will between Penny and the water faeries. Penny is terrified to go there, especially suspecting that Hydra tried to hit her with silver dust and hit Faith with ice spears. Eli is wary but trusts that his queen means well. Faith is furious and cautions Penny to watch her back.


    After a two-day swift carriage ride to Doour, Penny is once again awestruck by the beauty of the realm. However, the water faeries are alarming, and their sacred sea serpents are terrifying. While Queen Ida and Queen Merilla have a private meeting, Penny and Eli tour the city together. Finally having time to talk without prying ears, the pair discuss some of the struggles. However, a red boat causes Penny to experience a haunting memory. As she starts to put puzzle pieces together, she realizes that the water faeries might have had something to do with the boat accident and her parents' disappearance.


    While attending the Water Faery Court, Penny's fear is heightened by the surrounding pools of water, where venomous sea serpents swim freely around them. Penny's attendance is cut short when a serpent snaps in her face, causing her to faint. When she awakens in a bed in the middle of the night, she panics in fear. Stepping onto the balcony, she's surprised when the Voidian prince steps out of the shadows. Still concerned for her safety, he followed her to Doour. Realizing that Penny needs an escape, the prince whisks her off her feet and flies her to a moonflower meadow. There, Penny learns the truth about silver dust and how it is harvested. She also begins to fully realize that the reputation and rumors about the Voidians are false. As romantic tension grows between them, neither can resist a romantic kiss. After being wrapped in each other's arms, the prince pulls away, trying to explain that they can never be. Despite intermixed relationships being forbidden, the Voidians are outlaws the prince know that being with Penny would only bring them harm.


    The prince makes a difficult choice, and as he leaves Penny on the balcony of the water faery palace, he says goodbye, intending to stop their relationship from developing any further. This is a crushing blow to Penny, who realizes how madly she's fallen in love with the Voidian Prince. Eli witnesses the breakup and is prepared to scold Penny for her reckless behavior. However, she crumbles, and he can do nothing but console her. When they finally depart Doour in the queen’s carriage, Penny learns that Queen Merilla and Queen Ida have made an agreement that Penny’s younger sister will be given to the Water Queen as her heir in an exchange. For what, Penny has no idea, and she's irate at the news. Eli also informs the queen of the Voidian’s frequent visits to Penny, prompting the queen to revoke Penny’s privilege of living in the Catalyst dorms. She forces Penny to live under lock and key in the palace. Penny feels like she’s been imprisoned and has no control over any aspect of her life, aside from being completely heartbroken.    


    Weeks later, Penny learns what her grandmother also traded her sister for, the Water Faery Cauldron. Now having two ancient relics in her power, Penny realizes that her sister, Clare, is in danger. She pleads to Eli for help to get home and warn her sister of the queen’s plans. However, Eli won’t help her. Her only other option is to send a coded message to Faith, hoping that she will find a way to get her help.


    After solving Penny’s coded message, Faith ventures back to The Void in search of the Voidian Prince, knowing he is Penny’s best chance at escape. The prince regrets his last visit with Penny, wishing he hadn’t ended their relations because he’s completely captivated by her. At first, he’s surprised to find Faith looking for him in The Void and considers that her message might be a trap. Regardless, he knows he would never forgive himself if Penny were in danger and he didn’t try to help her.


    The Voidian Prince rescues Penny. After a heartwarming, romantic reunion, he helps Penny get back to her aunt’s home on Earth, only to find that Clare has been kidnapped. They’re too late. Penny has no idea how she’s going to get her sister back from the water faeries. With a jealous Eli unwilling to assist her, she recognizes that the Voidian Prince is the only honest faery she can rely on for help.

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