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The Heir (book 1), by Kat Laxton

The Heir (book 1) is a coming-of-age adventure where teenage heroine, Penelope “Penny” Flint, discovers that she is a princess in the world of the Danu Fae—a magical world linked to Earth. The Danu Fae are a race of faeries in a segregated society composed of five faery kingdoms. Their history is complex, their rulers are power-hungry, and mixed-blooded faeries are forbidden. Searching for answers about her parent’s disappearance, Penny is lured to Danu by two faeries, Eli and Faith, where she unexpectedly becomes trapped. Racing against time to find a way home, with a mysterious group of outlaws on their tail, Penny, Faith, and Eli discover inexplicable secrets about Penny’s lineage. Penny is an heir to a much greater fate and is destined to change the Danu Fae forever. Eli and Faith are torn between their loyalties and self-preservation as Penny navigates the alliances and betrayals of this new world. This trio, brought together by a prophecy, must decide how they will help Penny fulfill her destiny as The Heir.

Full Synopsis

    The Heir is a coming-of-age romantic, magical, adventure about eighteen-year old heroine, Penelope “Penny” Flint. The story unfolds through the perspectives of three critical characters: Faith, Eli, and Penny.


    Faith, a skilled warrior princess of the Fire Kingdom, must prove her superiority over her twin brother to inherit the crown. One evening while blowing off steam riding her dragon, she fortuitously uncovers a prophecy, predicting that an “heir of five” will return to change the fate of the Danu Fae. The prophecy seems impossible because intermixing between two kingdoms, let alone five, is illegal and Faith is confident that every fire faery is of the purest bloodline. However, if the prophecy is somehow true, if indeed an heir from all five faery kingdoms does exist, that faery could claim their birthright and rule over all kingdoms on Danu, including hers. From that night onward, Faith sets out to find this mysterious heir before anyone else, intending to use this knowledge to her advantage, tilting the scales of power in her favor. 


    Eli, a mixed-blooded faery serving the Earth Faery Queen, is tasked to protect the queen’s two heirs, who are living in secret on planet Earth. When the eldest heir comes of age, Eli’s first challenge is to convince her to travel with him to Danu and assume her role as the Earth Faery Princess. Eli fears the queen’s wrath if he fails in his mission of protecting and securing the heir to her throne. He cannot afford to fail.


    Penny is a slightly introverted teenager at Hamilton High School. She never really fit in at school unlike her bubbly, outgoing younger sister, Clare. In addition to not having a clear plan for her future after graduation, Penny is also haunted by her past. Three years ago, when she was fifteen, the Flint family was involved in a bizarre boating accident after which her parents’ bodies were never found. Penny and Clare had no option but to go and live with their quirky Aunt Flora. 


    On Penny’s eighteenth birthday, her aunt gives her a unique silver amulet that belonged to her mother. Unbeknownst to her, the amulet seems to channel Penny’s emotions into bizarre physical catastrophes, including some massive property damage in the school library, resulting in her needing to pay a large fine. Chalking the events up to bad luck and stressed to find a way to pay off her debt, Penny takes a job at a local coffee shop where she eventually meets Eli and Faith. While the circumstances for their introductions are initially nothing out of the ordinary, Penny becomes alarmed when they attempt to convince her that they are faeries and that she’s not actually a human, but a faery with magical powers as well.


    At first, Penny thinks Eli and Faith are completely insane. When Eli tells a detailed account of the boating accident, Penny recognizes him as the man who rescued her from the water that day. When Eli and Faith both reveal that they have amulets similar to hers, Penny reluctantly begins to trust them, if only to find answers about her parents. 


    Excitement builds as Penny follows Eli and Faith to Danu for a brief introductory visit. Their amulets works like a key, allowing them to travel through beech tree portals that are interconnected across both worlds. Eli and Faith lead to an ancient, enchanted forest called The Old Oak Grove where she is awestruck by the captivating view of three moons illuminating the sky over the Abhain river in Danu. In the distances she sees Uiré, the city of the earth faeries. While they do not have time to take Penny in this visit, Faith and Eli make plans to bring Penny back to Uiré for the Element Games and the Harvest Moons Ball. In the meantime, Faith agrees to attend high school with Penny to teach her about faery history and magic.


    After a three-day, learning the science of magic of the Danu Fae from Faith, Penny finally returns to Uiré with Eli. Eli’s incredibly nervous about making sure Penny’s first official visit is perfect. First, he begins her to meet his grandparents, where his grandfather, Atlas grandparent’s cottage home in The Old Oak Grove. Atlas reveals to Penny that she is the princess of the Earth Faery Kingdom and that she will be presented to her grandmother, the Earth Faery Queen.


    At first, Penny is overwhelmed after learning that she is a princess. However, after she’s given a beautiful gown to wear that belonged to her mother, Penny begins to feel connected to her role. On the way to Uiré, however, a group of mysterious Voidians follows her carriage. While Eli and his grand parents try to keep calm, Penny can see that the are afraid of the outlaws following her. She also sense that it isn’t a coincidence that they are following her, a newly returned princess.  


    Welcomed with open arms, the queen presents Penny to the Earth Faery Court as her “heir returned.” During her visit, Penny’s attention is captivated by watching faeries battle to win the Element Games, a tournament designed to select a new Earth Faery Catalyst Leader. All of faery lore is further romanticized in her mind as she indulges in the delights of the Harvest Moon’s Ball. The powerful earth faery magic that occurs all around her is mesmerizing and leaves Penny perplexed, wondering if she has the same magical abilities, if not more. However, Penny’s blissful wonderment is shaken when she finds her amulet has been stolen. 


    Without the amulet, Penny cannot use the portal system to get home to Earth and return to her sister. The only way to get another amulet is to travel to the Fountain of Light, a privilege reserved for only the most elite faeries, the Catalysts. The Earth Faery Queen confirms that Penny has no alternative but to devote herself to the Catalysts if she wishes to return to Earth. Thus, the loss of the amulet forces Penny to agree to become a Catalyst, a decision that will change the course of her life forever. Now, trapped in a world where she hardly knows anyone, Penny puts her trust in the only two faeries she knows, Faith and Eli, to help her get home.


    Faith, along with her twin brother Fintain, offers to break the law and bring Penny to the Fountain of Light. Eli, not fully trusting or understanding Faith and Fintain's motives, worries for Penny’s safety and goes with her for protection. On the journey to the Fountain of Light, they travel swiftly across different faery kingdoms until they are forced to stop when they encounter a trail of wisps. The wisps lead Penny to a hauntingly beautiful woman in the woods, Lady Naima, who tells Penny that one day she will have the power to break the curse of the Danu Fae. The woman’s message becomes clearer once Penny receives her new amulet from the Fountain of Light. This surprises the foursome because Penny’s amulet bears all five sacred stones of the faery kingdoms, meaning Penny is a descendent of King Dagda. 

    Just as Faith fesses up to reveal her knowledge of the prophecy of the return of Dagda’s Heir, a dangerous group of outlaw faeries, called Voidians, attacks them. The Voidians are terrifying and powerful, with a type of magic no one understands. In a matter of moments, a cloaked Voidian has Penny pinned to the ground, unable to defend herself. As the Voidian kneels next to her to take her amulet, Penny eyes the stern face beneath the hood. She help but think he’s the most beautiful and intimidating person she’s ever seen. However, after a brief moment of analyzing it, he returns her amulet to her palm and the Voidians leave. It seems that they were only interested in inspecting Penny’s amulet to confirm her identity, but not to harm her. This encounter leaves Penny with nothing but more questions about who she is and what her future holds.


    Even though she has a new amulet, Penny’s journey home is still not easy. Her heart is crushed after she discovers the stolen amulet in Faith’s saddlebag. After abandoning Faith over this betrayal, Penny is swept away by a disastrous flash flood and knocked unconscious. When she finally awakens, Penny finds herself in the Air Faery Kingdom. After a brief interaction with the power-hungry xenophobe, King Niyol, Penny starts to realize that the faery world isn’t as perfect as her initial impressions, nor are the human stories about faeries accurate. Most of the faery legends that she knows are human distortions of a much crueler reality. The faery world is more complex than humans could ever imagine. Penny regrets the life she was forced to choose. As a Catalyst, she will forever belong to a world with power-hungry rulers of an obedient, segregated society of fairies, and a mysterious group of Voidians who mask the true nature of their intentions. The only reason she came to Danu in the first place was to find answers about her parent’s disappearance, a puzzle she still intends to solve.

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